75th Annual Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River Visual Arts Competition
The Rotary Club of Lakewood and Rocky River, in conjunction with Beck Center for the Arts, is proud to present the 2020 Speech, Visual Art, and Music Contest. View this year’s award winners, along with a virtual exhibition of the complete Visual Arts competition that was displayed in the Jean Bulicek Galleria in March.
This annual contest features the talents of students from the high schools in Lakewood and Rocky River that are invited to take part. These include: Lakewood High School, Lutheran West High School, Magnificat High School, Padre Pio, Rocky River High School, and St. Edward High School. Thank you to the administrators, parents, teachers, families and friends who supported all of the student participants. Additional special thanks to the Rotarians and the Lakewood/Rocky River Rotary Foundation for supporting these students in so many ways, including funding the contest each year for the past 75 years.
2020 Award Winners
1st Place , Audrey Warren (ink)
2nd Place, Colin Wheeler, (mixed media)
3rd Place, Jennifer Nyo, (photography)
Honorable Mention, Megan Walsh, (sterling silver, lace agate, cardboard)
Honorable Mention, Sarah Corbin, (clay, glaze)
Honorable Mention, Sophia Kostik, (acrylic)
Rotary Entries
Adam Caroscio, (ceramics)
Alesha Kotula, (handmade paper, tempera) 1
Alesha Kotula, (handmade paper, tempera) 2
Douglas Doren, (clay, glaze)
Emily Elliott, (brass)
Eva Miller, (pastel)
Grace Barrett, (sterling silver, fossil)
Inga Wilhelmy, (watercolor, ink)
Isabelle Donahue, (india ink, tjanting)
Joshua O'Halla, (resin sculpture)
Justin Scott Jr, (ceramics)
Katie Lawlor, (inspired by Yayoi Kusama) (paint)
Lilly Bastian, (marker, colored pencil, collage)
Lilly Bastian, (marker, colored pencil)
Marissa Yeager, (clay, glaze)
Michael Minarik, (ceramics)
Nick Thompson, (ceramics)
Nora Feeney, (clay, glaze)
Owain Crute, (ceramics)
Paige Erickson, (copper)
Rachel Johnson, (handmade paper, watercolor, tempera) 1
Rachel Johnson, (handmade paper, watercolor, tempera) 1
Roman Sopko, (ceramics)
Sam Chura, (ceramics)
Willow Rosser, (colored pencil)
Wyatt Kayser, (clay)
Aine Fagan, (printmaking)
Autumn Cruz, (mixed media, fiber art)
Bea Traum, (painting)
Bea Traum, (mixed media)
Brendan Belz, (ceramics)
Caleb Wagner, (ceramics)
Elyse Roggenburk, (clay)
Erin McHugh, (ebony)
Eva Miller, (acrylic)
Isabella Dombrowski, (wood block print, ink)
Ivy Keeper, (watercolor, ink)
J.P. Mathe, (colored ink, embroidery)
Jane Kalinowski, (alcohol marker)
Jay Jaworski, (photography)
Joshua O'Halla, (charcoal, pastel)
Maire Kate Hickey, (oil paint)
Maire Kate HIckey, (colored pencil)
Nola Williams-Riseng, (ebony pencil)
Sam Chura, (ceramics)
Sonya Suri, (photography)
Sonya Suri, (photography)
Sophia Kostik, (charcoal, pencil)
Sophia Stewart, (charcoal)
Tim Sheehan, (ceramics)
William Holden, (clay, glaze)
Willow Rosser, (ink)
Antonio Spencer, (photography)
Cameron Krizman, Horror Movie Genres - Icon System (digital art)
Emma Scalabrino, (acrylic)
Gabrielle Toms, (digital art)
Grace Hildebrandt, (pencil)
Grace Hildebrandt, (pencil)
Hana Johnson, (acrylic)
J.P. Mathe, (acrylic)
Jayrelis Capeles, (acrylic)
Kaitlyn Bitter, (fibers)
Kallie Mitchell, (watercolor)
Katie Lawlor, (ink)
Megan Robinson, (photography, light painting)
Miabella Ruth Centuori, (acrylic)
Miabella Ruth Centuori, (acrylic)
Natalie Costello, (colored pencil, acrylic)
Rhiannon Riker, (charcoal)
Timothy Frolo, (digital art)
Timothy Frolo, (digital art)
Tori Klepsky, (charcoal)