Shrek the Musical
Based on the smash-hit DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek The Musical is a Tony Award®-winning fairy tale adventure. "Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek...." And thus begins the tale of an unlikely hero who finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her rescue. Throw in a short-tempered bad guy, a cookie with an attitude and over a dozen other fairy tale misfits, and you've got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there's one on hand... and his name is Shrek.
Creative Team
Book and Lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire
Music by Jeanine Tesori
Based on the DreamWorks Animation Motion Picture and the book by William Steig
Originally produced on Broadway by DreamWorks Theatricals and Neal Street Productions
Directed by Scott Spence; Musical Direction by Larry Goodpaster; Choreography by Martín Céspedes
Featuring Gilgamesh (G.A.) Taggett as Shrek
Presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI)
Press Release
Download press release. For more information please contact Julie Gilliland at (216) 521-2540 x22